Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

Script Grounding System

Script Grounding System ..
Private Sub Command1_Click()ClsRRod = InputBox("How many R?", "Create Array")If RRod > 0 Then ReDim R(RRod)Prompt$ = "Masukkan Nilai Tahanan Rod terukur"For i% = 1 To RRodTitle$ = "Nilai Tahanan Rod " & i%R(i%) = InputBox(Prompt$, Title$)Next i%End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click(Index As Integer)PrintFor i% = 1 To RRodPrinttotal! = total! + 1 / R(i%)Next i%Print'Print "R Average: "; Total!Text1.Text = 1 / total!End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()Text3.Text = 1 / ((1 / Text1.Text) + (1 / Text2.Text))If 0 < text = "Baik Sekali" text = "Baik" text = "Sedang"> 10 Then Text4.Text = "Jelek"End Sub

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